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We invite you to contribute to our projects, by making a donation to our bankaccount:

Our Dutch bank account:
Account number: NL85 RABO 0121 7094 69
Stichting Stepping Stones for Africa, Den Haag, The Netherlands

Our Ghananian bank account (GHS):
Bank: ADB Bank (Agricultural Development Bank)
Name: Stepping Stones for Africa
Account: 1082 0001 2449 6703
Bank branch: Gulf House, Accra
Address: Lambfarms, Amrahia, Greater Accra, Ghana

Our Ghananian bank account (EUR):
Bank: ADB Bank (Agricultural Development Bank)
Name: Stepping Stones for Africa
Account: 1085 0301 2449 6701
Bank branch: Gulf House, Accra
Address: Lambfarms, Amrahia, Greater Accra, Ghana

Note: if you are living in a Euro country, transferring to our EUR account in Ghana prevents currency exchange losses, which can be quite high.

If you want to support a specific project, please mention this in the transfer details.

All contributors, thank you very much!
We are grateful for every gift, no matter how small.

No overhead costs

Donations will be spent entirely on our projects within our mission. We have practically no overhead costs (only banking- and hosting costs) and all members of our board in the Netherlands and Ghana are working as volunteers.

Donate with PayPal

You can donate directly to our PayPal account. Our cost: 1,4% of the donation + € 0,35 if from EU. 4% of the donation + € 0,35 if from rest of the world. We are a registered charity with PayPal.

Donate with PayPal

Donate through

By using the button below, you can directly donate via, using your creditcard, PayPal and other services like iDeal and Wallie. Our costs: 8% of the donation.

Donate via

Because of the costs we pay for above services, we prefer donations directly to our bank account.

In the Netherlands, donations are tax deductible

Algemeen Nut Beogende InstellingIn the Netherlands, we are a registered non-profit charity by the Dutch tax administration. Donations are therefore deductible from income tax for Dutch individuals as well as companies.

Our status as so called ‘ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)‘ can be verified by filling in our name at this page of the Dutch tax administration, the Belastingdienst. (Don’t fill in a location, this doesn’t work well).

Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling