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For all questions, suggestions and remarks, you can reach us at the following email addresses:

General contact address and secretary office:

Cindy Noordermeer-Panou can be reached directly at:

Remco Kalf can be reached directly at:

Secretary office and postal address Netherlands

Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation
Willem van Outhoornstraat 48
2593 ZX Den Haag
The Netherlands

Telephone secretary, Remco Kalf: +31 (0)70 381 9122

Office and postal address Ghana

Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation
P.O. Box DD79
Dodowa, Greater Accra, Ghana

Telephone office Ghana, Cindy Noordermeer-Panou: + 233 (0)24 7522173

Chamber of commerce

We are registered in the Netherlands at the The Hague office of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with number 27288334.

In Ghana we are registered as NGO with number: NGO/adMA/16/16/04


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