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Articles of Association

Our Dutch articles of association can be downloaded as a pdf:
Statuten Stepping Stones for Africa

For privacy reasons, the file is password protected. You can request a password by sending an email to

Formal mission of the foundation

Our translated mission, as stated in our articles of association, is formulated as follows:

The mission of the Stepping Stones for Africa foundation is:

  • To support individuals and organisations in developing countries, who devote themselves to goals in the field of poverty reduction (and all related subjects), and who are confronted with a lack of means to achieve their goals;
  • In this way to provide a stepping stone to mentioned individuals and organisations in order to achieve their goals; and
  • To undertake all further activities that can help, support or sustain mentioned goals.
  • The foundation will try to fulfill her mission by providing financial support, materials and/or expertise, on a onetime-, project- or ongoing basis.
Articles of association of our Ghanaian NGO

To be able to be more effective in the Ghanaian context and administrational structures, in August 2016 we formally registered Stepping Stones for Africa as an NGO in Ghana.

The founding document of Stepping Stones for Africa Ghana can be downloaded here:
Founding documents Stepping Stones for Africa Ghana

Sponsors and advisers

We thank the following sponsors and advisers for their support when we founded Stepping Stones for Africa in 2006, and for ongoing advice:

Stichting Fonds De Trut, Amsterdam
Nouwen Notarissen, Rotterdam
Joost Winnubst, Woerden

Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling