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Het bestuur van de Stichting Stepping Stones for Africa wordt gevormd door:

Cindy Noordermeer-Panou
Cindy Noordermeer-Panou is the co-founder and president of the foundation. Cindy earned her professional degrees in Nutrition (BSc) and International Public Health (MSc) at VU University in Amsterdam. Cindy has been living in Ghana since 2003 where she gained working experience in the health, development and tourism sector in urban and rural parts of the country. Ghana revealed her entrepreneurial skills and a great passion for social responsibility and development.

Remco Kalf
Remco Kalf is the co-founder, treasurer and secretary of the foundation. Remco earned his professional degree in Industrial Design Engineering (MSc) at Delft Univerisity of Technology. Remco lives in the Netherlands where he works as a freelance designer, developer, technical writer and consultant. His motivation for founding Stepping Stones for Africa with Cindy in 2006 was his belief and experience in the previous years that making a real and meaningful impact on people living in deprived communities is possible. People can be inspired to take their own responsibility and start their entrepreneurial journey. They mostly need guidance and practical help, and people who believe in them.

Madeleen Husselman
Madeleen Husselman moved to Ghana in 2012 and is settled here with her family. She has an MSc in Tropical Land-use and worked in South Africa and Zambia before coming to Ghana. Her professional career to date has focused on research and policy advisory work, within the broader development sector, and she has extensive NGO management experience. She joined the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation board in 2022, to be able to contribute at a more grassroots level to small community-driven, sustainable projects.

Rob Handgraaf
Rob Handgraaf, who is Dutch, worked in the Netherlands until he was 35, in logistics and real-estate management. In 2001 he and his wife moved to France where they started a bed & breakfast and where he runs his own building company. At the end of 2017, Rob and his wife went to Ghana for the first time to do volunteer work for 3 months, in Liati Wote, in collaboration with Cindy Noordermeer-Panou. During this stay, the love and passion for Ghana and its people arose and the desire to contribute grew more. At the beginning of 2019, Rob and his wife returned to Ghana to work on the plastic recycling project in Liati Wote. After this second stay in Ghana, Rob joined the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation board in March 2019.

Naa Ashiley Vanderpuye
Naa Ashiley Vanderpuye is a medical doctor and advocates for the provision of accessible healthcare services delivered at the community level. She is the Medical Director of the International Health Care Center (IHCC), a private infectious disease clinic in Accra, Ghana, and CEO of the West Africa AIDS Foundation (WAAF). She is specialized in the clinical management of HIV and TB and has been involved in the capacity building of many Key Affected Population groups as well as in the care and support of orphans and vulnerable children.

Bijzonder adviseur van het bestuur:

Margriet Reinders
Margriet Reinders started her career in West Africa three decades ago in Tiebele in South-Eastern Burkina where she worked as a volunteer for SNV, a Dutch development Organisation. During the rest of her career, she worked for various organizations among others the Gender and Water Alliance in West Africa and a farmer’s organization Trias in Guinee. She established her own successful weaving gallery in a small village outside Ouagadougou that became a sustainable source of livelihood for many women in the area. She is currently living in Ghana and working for MDF West Africa as a trainer and consultant. She joined the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation as a board member, based on her broad experience in the development sector and her belief in small-scale community-driven development projects.

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