Reacties scholieren eerste deel Anansi project
Hieronder een aantal reacties van Franse scholieren van College George Sand die deelnemen in het Anansi project:
Heloise (13 jaar): “I’m very happy to go to Africa and I will do the maximum to go there. I’m also very excited to discover a new culture, how the Africans live, how they make whatever they need. All the projects so far (telling stories, teaching fair trade in schools and serving African meals) interest me, and I will enjoy to do everything! I really like the culture topics, I want to see African dance and I want to dance myself too, and do everything they do. “
Susannah (13 jaar): “I think Africa is an amazing continent full of life, the unknown. I’m glad we’re going to Ghana because I love adventure. I do really want to go to know that country and life with people with different ideas of life and outlook on life.”
Vincent (13 jaar): “I think it’s a good project to go to Africa, to see the way of living and their culture. We can show our way of living. I think their way of welcoming people is very nice, by dancing. I think we are lucky because not everybody has the opportunity to go to Ghana. I will not say no to this very good experience. African bathrooms will be very funny.”
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