Newsarticles in the category 'AIDS'
“Thirty years ago this year (2011), a rare immune system virus was detected in five young men in Los Angeles. By the following summer, the illness was spreading nationwide and had been given a name: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. In the ensuing decades, AIDS and the virus that leads to it, HIV have claimed […]
We are happy to anounce that Stichting Fonds De Trut has decided to support the International Health Care Clinic in Accra for another year. With a donation of €3600,-, the salaries of a registered nurse and an assistant-nurse can be paid until march 2009. And, not unimportantly, the accreditation that the clinic received – which […]
Wereldwijd voltrekt zich een ramp. Een ramp die niet de aandacht krijgt die hij verdient. Dagelijks sterven er duizenden mensen aan de gevolgen van deze ramp. De verspreiding van hiv, het virus dat aids veroorzaakt, gaat vrijwel onbelemmerd en in een razend tempo voort. Wereldwijd leven al 39 miljoen mensen met dit virus, en zijn […]
Mama Lu is the ‘registered nurse’ whose salary is paid with the donation of ‘De Trut’. She is invaluable at the clinic and has a great heart for her patients. Below is a short interview with her: Mama Lu, could you tell something about yourself? My name is Lucy Domphrey, but everybody calls me Mama […]
On Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th of december 2006, the donation of €20.000,- by De Trut Foundation was festively presented to us in gay/lesbian club De Trut in Amsterdam. The ceremony was appropriately led by the nuns Tina oent Letty. On a very small stage they interviewed us about the clinic, about the founder Naa Ashiley […]
We are very happy to announce that we received a very large donation of €20.000,- from Stichting Fonds De Trut, destined for the International Health Care Clinic (IHCC) in Accra, Ghana. In the form of the Focus on Aids initiative, we already worked together with this clinic in a lot of different projects. Opposed to […]
Latest news articles
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- Building The Green Clinic – update january 2019
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- Building The Green Clinic – update november 2018
- Building The Green Clinic – update july 2018
- Building The Green Clinic – update may 2018
News categories
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- AIDS (6)